Environ: in transport of delight | Lindsay Martin Gryskewich
Horizon Gallery
October 4 – December 14, 2024
Blending real and imaginary spaces, Lindsay Martin Gryskewich creates a map of everyday musings in her work. These texturally dense paintings fluidly combine interior and exterior spaces to form playful compositions that mirror life’s permanent spaces and temporary changes. The artist retraces her own surroundings as inspiration— colors at twilight in the garden, or perspectives from the family room window.

Lindsay Martin Gryskewich earned a B.A. from Denison University and an M.F.A. from Oregon College of Art and Craft. Her paintings are exhibited locally and nationally in spaces such as BayArts Center, Wasmer Gallery at Ursuline College, Kent State University, Troy Laundry Building and Ford Gallery, Museum of Contemporary Craft (Portland, OR), and the Hoffman Gallery. She regularly exhibited with Troppus Projects in Kent, OH, and most recently in a curatorial project, On the Grid, at Riffe Gallery in Columbus, OH. She received scholarships to attend workshops at Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, and a residency in Deschutes National Forest, Oregon. Gryskewich is an educator who enjoys community collaboration and has experience in arts administration, curatorial projects, and event programming. Currently, she teaches visual arts at Old Trail School. She is a mother, and her family lives and works in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
Did you know?
Most of the artwork on display at Summit Artspace is for sale.
Click on the artwork images for pricing and more information about each piece.
If you would like to purchase any art, please visit a staff member or volunteer at the front desk, or email natalie@summitartspace.org.
Special thanks to Bradley Hart, Summit Artspace resident artist, for photography of virtual exhibitions!
1- Area Rug Evening | $900
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
40 x 36”
2- Sand n Susans | $420
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
24 x 20”
3- Oasis Date | $1,400
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
30 x 36”
4- Forsythia Fever | $380
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
14 x 10”
5- Sprites, Spring | $1,400
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
40 x 48”
6- 3 Sons Flowers | $450
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
20 x 24”
7- Valhalla, Eugene | $1,400
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
40 x 48”
8- Kiddie Pool Backyard Highlights | $500
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
34 x 37”
9- Afternoon Elbows | $320
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
10 x 14”
10- Creature Signs | $180
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
12 x 9”
11- Wet Summer | $320
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
12 x 8”
12- Warm Winter | $350
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
16 x 12”
13- Bird’s Eye View | $320
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
14.5 x 9″
14- February | $250
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
13 x 9.5”
15- Poppies and Place Names | $380
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
10 x 14”
16- Knights of the Coffee Table | $450
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
16 x 20”
17- Early September | $380
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
24 x 20”
18- Snakes and Appalachian Mountains | $420
Acrylic paint and media on canvas
16 x 20”
See the Summit Artspace exhibit schedule for show details.
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