Prism-sunset pond by Julie DiSiena of Northfield took the People’s Choice Award at the 16th Annual Kaleidoscope Juried Holiday Show. The show closed Dec. 29 and the the Alliance for the Visual Arts which puts on the show made the announcement later that day after votes were counted.

DiSiena is a member of the Cuyahoga Valley Art Center. The 38″ X 31″ piece is ink and pastel on museum board. She will take home a hand-blown working kaleidoscope crafted by Bob Pozarski.
DiSiena writes, “My art emerges from life and the spirit of nature. My art proceeds from the spiritual pantheism of Franz Marc. It continues with a personal abstraction and passion shared by the area artists, Burchfield and Sommer. My art is a response to the life energies present in an amazing world. The art is an experience or moment suspended in time for some permanence. ”
Kaleidoscope is most anticipated and final art competition of the year at Summit Artspace on East Market.

Kaleidoscope was founded in 2003 by AVA which is the umbrella group of the four area arts organizations: Akron Society of Artists, Artists of Rubber City, Cuyahoga Valley Art Center and the Women’s Art League of Akron. More than 600 active members are eligible to compete in Kaleidoscope.
This is a very prominent show and gives inspiration to artists and art lovers from all over Northeast Ohio. Cash prizes for the top juried winners were awarded at the opening event by Juror David Rankin of Cleveland, who is an internationally-known and award-winning transparent watercolorist and instructor.
Gallery visitors were be able to vote for their favorite artist to win the coveted Kaleidoscope Award, a working kaleidoscope designed and hand-blown by glass artist, Bob Pozarski. The winner will be announced at the end of the show on the Summit Artspace website. John Sokol was the 2017 People’s Choice winner whose work, One Foot in the Grave, is used in this year’s publicity.
Summit Artspace’s main gallery is open Thursdays and Fridays, noon to 7 p.m., and Saturdays, noon to 5 p.m. Additional hours include 5-9 p.m. during the Dec. 1 Artwalk and Dec. 20 for 3rd THURSDAY events, 4-9 p.m.
The winners represented the art societies in the area:
- First Place: Field of Dreams by Tom Jackson, Akron Society of Artists
- Second Place: The Unstrung Ukele of Dr. Caligari by Andy Tubbesing, Artists of Rubber City
- Third Place: Poppy Garden by Deanna Clucas, Women’s Art League of Akron
- Honorable Mention: Untitled by Dave Derrig, Artists of Rubber City
- Honorable Mention: Jude by Joan Clapsadle, Akron Society of Artists
- Honorable Mention: Journey Through the Tunnel of Corti by Helen Wilson, Artists of Rubber City
- Honorable Mention: Edge of Furnace Run by Rick Surowicz, Cuyahoga Valley Art Center
- Juror’s Award: Placid Pond by Marita Bitans, Artists of Rubber City
- Juror’s Award: At Loose Ends by Lee Beuther, Artists of Rubber City
- People’s Choice Award: Prism-sunset pond by Julie DiSiena, Cuyahoga Valley Art Center
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See the Summit Artspace exhibit calendar for directions.
Plan your visit by clicking here.
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